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Why Do I Need Predictive IT Monitoring and What Is It?

Predictive IT Monitoring as a part of your global IT monitoring is the solution to save your time and energy, but also a lot of money for your company!

You’re dealing with an increasing number of users and customers, as well as an increasing number of duties and responsibilities? , the infrastructure must be operational 24/7 and every minute of machine downtime costs your organization a significant amount of money.

You may absolutely need to start planning your future accurately, predictive monitoring as a part of your global IT monitoring is the solution to save your time and energy, but also a lot of money for your company!

In this article, you will discover why you need to use IT Monitoring and especially predictive monitoring. 

With predictive monitoring, systems allow a company to predict failure and it is very helpful in avoiding a sudden breakdown. The goal is to produce early warnings of undesirable events using machine learning.

According to a study by Gartner demonstrate, that the average cost of downtime is about $5,600. That is around $300,000 per hour.  This highlights a significant cost implication that can be avoided with predictive monitoring using AI. (Source)

The actual challenge is anticipating when an asset needs maintenance and figuring out when an asset needs maintenance.

Approaches to maintenance

Maintenance can be divided into two:

  • Proactive maintenance
  • Reactive maintenance

-Proactive maintenance is maintenance that is performed before an asset fails. Proactive maintenance is provided to assets at regular intervals.

-Reactive maintenance is corrective maintenance, It simply means fixing the equipment once it breaks down. 

Predictive maintenance

In contrast to predictive monitoring that determines whether something needs to be done and what that task is, not when an asset needs maintenance. Predictive maintenance is a technique that uses specific data and certain algorithms to estimate when maintenance should be performed. This approach has great economic value for the organization because it enables maintaining machines proactively to avoid business disruption.

Zen Networks integrate the best-suited IT Monitoring solution for you. thanks to the expertise of our DevOps teams we can implement bricks on our monitoring stacks depending on your specific needs. Our highly available setups can be highly customizable with auto-discovery mechanisms based on your KPIs.

Predictive Monitoring provides optimum machine uptime by detecting anomalies before they become faults and cause downtime. It improves your production, allowing you to focus on what matters most.

Our Partnership with Zenoss and Zabbix combined to our certified experts team ensure to our costumers benefits of those solutions and a single point of contact for integration and DevOps process to start using Monitoring or improve their existant solution.


Zen Networks