

Elasticsearch for APM

Lets discover Elasticsearch for APM works    Have you ever wondered how to simply monitor your application’s performance? Elastic APM is the solution. Elastic Application Performance Management (APM) is a new Elasticsearch 6.1 functionality (in beta and alpha in 6.0). Opbeat (an application performance monitoring – APM – firm) merged with Elastic a few months […]


APM – OpenTelemetry is the Futur of APM?

Application Performance Monitoring, what are you talking about? Application Performance Monitoring is a set of tools and procedures that enable IT workers to ensure that the applications consumers use satisfy performance standards and deliver a positive user experience. APM ensures that services deliver to customers at the desired level and detects errors and anomalies with […]

Deployment of an APM image 14

Deployment of an APM based on Kubernetes (Prt1)

What is Kubernetes monitoring and the most open source tools used ? This article shows how the deployment of an Application Performance Monitoring (APM) solution for a Kubernetes -based application works to detect and fix issues related to that application. The notion of continuous deployment in the DevOps technique is of particular significance to this […]

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