
Monitoring As A Service

Highly scalable monitoring SaaS



EMEC EXPO 2023 Within less than 1 month Zen Networks will be present in the 3rd edition of the EMEC EXPO 2023 International Digital Transformation Exhibition. This means there are only a few weeks left till we meet again. The 10-11 May will bring together decision-makers and digital experts to share the latest developments and trends in the digital […]


The Cost of Network Downtime

  Downtime costs $5,600 p/minute, which adds up to well over $300K p/hour Every organization is concerned with cutting costs, but the true cost of network outages is often overlooked. The overall cost of lost productivity lost revenue, and intangible costs associated with network outage is the cost of network downtime. Consider how much it […]

Monitoring Envoy proxy using Zabbix

Monitoring Envoy proxy using Zabbix

  Envoy is a high-performance C++ distributed proxy, designed for microservices and service-oriented architecture. As well as a scalable communication bus and “universal data plane” designed for large-scale service meshes. Envoy runs alongside every application and abstracts the network by providing common features in a platform-agnostic manner. When all service traffic in an infrastructure flows […]

Zabbix meetup

Zabbix meetup

Zabbix meetup The Meetup Zen Networks CEO was part of the panel list for the first Zabbix virtual meetup that took place the 10th of September. Our use case revolved around monitoring and industry 4.0 challenges. We show-cased how we leveraged Zabbix for industry monitoring requirements to ensure operational excellence for our clients. The meetup […]

Case Study

Monitoring Hybrid Clouds

ABOUT THE ORGANIZATION Innovation Automation Solution provider. SUMMARY Due to its sheer size and the huge number of platforms, monitoring the hybrid cloud can be a daunting task, especially if it is not given preference in the planning process. A well-devised strategy for hybrid cloud monitoring should include the elements and layers you would like […]

Case Study

Global Monitoring Platform

  ABOUT THE ORGANIZATION The leader in the Internet of Things market. The organization had a set of Mobile Virtual Networks (MVNO) as part of its horizontal solutions for the IoT market. These disparate networks, having similarities and being managed by the same teams need a centralized platform for their monitoring. As part of providing […]

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