Over 9 years we help companies in integrating and creating solutions for networks. 

Zen-Networks is a values-driven technology company.



66 Avenue Champs Elysées
75008 Paris France


410-411-412, Technopark
Boulevard Dammam 20150
Casablanca Morocco





Forti-elk - FortiAnalyzer

Forti-elk - user bytes recieved

Forti-elk - Block/allow



Forti-elk: Fortigate is one of the most popular NGFW (Next Generation Firewalls)

This project’s main purpose is to create an open-source log monitoring platform dedicated for Fortigate based on this firewall’s logs.

It is based on ELK, which stands for ElasticSearch, Logstash and Kibana.

This should be considered as a free alternative to FortiAnalyzer from a functional point of view.

For more details about this plugin : https://github.com/Zen-Networks/forti-elk

We would aim to inform you that  Zen Networks provides services around Forti-elk. 

Furthermore, Zen Networks provides various IT solutions, such as IT Monitoring servicesCloud services, Agile solutions, Automation, DevOps, and more and more.

With the help of our experts in the domain, you can monitor CISCO Switch with Zabbix.

Contact us NOW to get a free consultation and why not a free quote too!


Zen Networks