Budgeting and Cost Tracking in Jira: Mastering Budgeting and Cost Tracking with, Solution Tailored for Businesses of All Sizes.
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The budgeting and cost tracking plugin enables users to efficiently manage their budgets, teams, and costs associated with projects or epics. It integrates automated cost calculation features based on Jira, as well as manual management options for greater flexibility.
When you open the plugin, a navigation bar (navbar) is displayed at the top, containing the following sections:
- Budgets Management
- Teams Management
Budgets Management
1. Main View
The Budgets Management section displays a list of budgets with the following columns:
- Name: The name of the budget.
- Budget: The total amount allocated to the budget.
- Total Cost: The total cost incurred so far.
- Project: The project associated with the budget.
- Epic: The epic associated with the budget (optional).
- Progress: The budget’s progress (in percentage).
- Actions: Allows you to modify the budget or view its details.
2. Available Actions
- Edit: Update the main information of the budget.
- Details: Access a detailed page for the budget.
- Delete: Delete the budget.
3. Button: Add a Budget
A form appears, allowing you to add a new budget.
- Budget Details Page
This page contains:
- General information about the budget.
- Progress: An overview of the budget’s advancement.
- A list of costs associated with the budget.
4. Button: Add a Cost
A form appears, allowing you to add a cost to the budget.
- Add Cost Form
5. Form Fields
- Input Mode: Select the input method:
- From Jira: The number of working hours is automatically calculated from Jira worklogs, based on the project or epic linked to the budget.
- Manual: The details must be entered manually.
- Cost Name: A text field to name the cost.
- Assignment: Select who or what the cost is assigned to:
- Users: Select a user.
- Teams: Select a team created in the Teams Management section.
- Units (Only for manual input mode): Enter the number of units.
- Hourly Rate: The hourly rate (mandatory).
- Start Date and End Date: Specify the cost period.
Teams Management
1. Main View
In this section, you can:
- Create a new team.
- Manage existing teams.
Each team can be assigned to a cost in the Budgets Management section.
Key Features
- Integration with Jira:
- Jira worklogs are used to automatically calculate working hours based on projects or epics.
- Manual Cost Tracking:
- Allows manual input for greater customization.
- Team Management:
- Create teams and assign them to specific budgets or costs.
- Progress Visualization:
- Track the progress of each budget in real-time.
Practical Use
- Navigate to Budgets Management to view your budgets.
- Click Details to explore detailed information about a budget.
- Add a cost to a budget using the Add a Cost button.
- Use Teams Management to create and manage teams.